
Create audits and checks to help manage the food safety requirements of your BRC Global Standard business.

Streamlined food safety audits platform dashboard.
How It Works

Any questions? Need support? Feel free to contact us to get help.

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Food factory worker improving efficiency with digital food safety tools

Transparent, affordable pricing, for a system designed to increase efficiency and save you money.

Efficient food safety audit completion in a food production environment

A straight forward way to digitally manage audits and inspections within your business.

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How It Works

Ready to start streamlining your records? Send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

Auditing Made Simple

Think of an audit or inspection, like a scale check

Add the questions you want to ask

Allocate the audits to your auditors

They complete them on their phone or tablet

Complete the corrective actions for the non conformances

Access and analyse the data



Designed to meet the needs of BRC accredited businesses and streamline paper ridden processes.

Easy to use and intuitive, designed from 25 years auditing experience.

Design questions relevant to your business, with a range of responses that capture the needs of your business.

Access the data at the touch of a button, to streamline traceability.

Auditors use the app to record conformance and non conformances, alerting the relevent people in your organisation.

Prepare for the future

No more paper, no more filing, no more searching. Organise, traceable records, that are accessible in an instant.
Designed for BRC Global Standard compliance.

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